31. oktober 2011

›› Happy Halloween

Det har vært en stund siden jeg har lagt ut noe på bloggen nå. Har vært et par travle uker på skolen, samt at annenhver helg går med til jobb. Men, håper nå dere vil like dette Halloween-prosjektet mitt likevel!

It has been some time since my last post now. It has been some busy couple of weeks now with school and work and all. But, I hope you'll enjoy my Halloween project anyway!

27. september 2011

›› A winter's day in Oslo

Not much to say about this page, so, enjoy!

Nothing less to say than maybe what the text is in English: "A sunny winter's day in Oslo".

English: "On the roof of the Oslo Opera House".

15. september 2011

›› SBM Challenge #5 - Tim Holtz products

This month's challenge at Scrapwaves, is to make a project of your choice using Tim Holtz products. As long as we can see Tim Holtz products from the first sight it will be accepted.

Enjoy, and be creative!!

I've used a lot of Tim Holtz tools, so it isn't visible most of it. I've used the holepuncher to drill a hole through this coin. It is a Norwegian coin from 70-80's.

The tool I used making the hole is called "Drill Punch" and is one of the many great tools that Tim Holtz have made. You can see it in action here: YouTube

A playing card embossing plate, using the Distress Core'dinations. 

8. august 2011

›› Results of the ATC swap!

Jeg vet at det er en stund siden denne swappen ble arrangert nå, så det var på tide å legge ut resultatene. Som sagt var temaet "fugler" og diverse kunstverk strømmet inn fra omverdenen.

Jeg er imponert over resultatene av denne swappen, og er nå en stolt innehaver av 8 flotte fugleinspirerte ATC-er!

I know that there has been a while since this swap was hosted by me, so it's really time to post it now. The theme for this swap was "birds", and ATC's from around came to me in the mail. 

I must say I am impressed with the results.

1. Githe                       ››Norway
2. SannaS                  ››Finland
3. Gry-Heidi               ››Norway
4. Heidi Suul Næss   ››Norway
5. Mary Harmon        ››USA
6. R.Maria Sabina     ››Romania
7. Synnøve Relling   ››Norway
8. Lene                       ››Norway

2. august 2011

›› Husets frue eller matmor?

En scrappeside jeg laget til en venn av meg.

A scrapbook page I made to a friend of mine.

28. juli 2011

›› 22.07-2011 Never Forget

It has been mostly quiet on my part for a couple of days now. The bombing of the Government quarter and the following massacre on Utøya, where 68 people was killed, has been quite disturbing. But in these following days, I must say that the Norwegian people are coping with the crisis in a really significant way. By answering this attack not with hate, but with solidarity and love towards those who died in the terror July 22. 2011. 

Even though I didn't know any of those who were killed, it is so horrific since most of the  people killed on Utøya were so young. Even though the material damage of the Government quarter was huge, and it may take years to rebuild, we can never get those who died back.

It has been a couple of weird days, and I myself participated in the torchlight procession in Bergen, in rememberence of those who died. It was moving to see the streets of Bergen, and the streets in almos every city in Norway filled with masses of people, some holding torches, others holding roses. In Bergen the procession had to take a longer round in the city, because there were so many who showed up to pay their respect. And in Oslo, there were supposed to be a procession too, but there were so many people that they were no longer available to do so. 

When I say that there met more people that day, than on the Norwegian  day of Constitution on May 17th. Those who know Norway may then understand the extent of the situation.

I will soon start posting projects on my blog, but I just wanted to dedicate a little post to those who died.

17. juli 2011

›› SBM Challenge #4 - Steampunk

I dag er utfordringen hos Scrapwaves - Scrapbooking by Men, å lage noe i stilen Steampunk.

Denne gangen valgte jeg å gjøre et prosjekt som gikk litt utenfor mitt vanlige 15x15 format, og noe som var betraktelig mer 3D.

Det enkle fuglehuset ble straks mer intrikat da jeg fant ut at jeg skulle lage et fuglerede på innsiden av huset. Jeg måtte ta meg kraftig sammen for å stoppe, det var rett og slett så gøyt. (I hui og hast glemte jeg det jeg egentlig skulle ha inni, nemlig fuglefjær).

Når det gjelder å kutte ut delene til fuglehuset, må dere ikke spørre meg. Her er det min mor som har vært flittig med måling, og kutting. :P

This month's challenge at Scrapwaves - Scrapbooking by Men, is to make something in the Steampunk style.

I chose to make a simple birdhouse in, that soon turned out to not be so simple and easy after all, I had to control myself on the details inside the house. (And, I even managed to forget the feathers!)

(When it comes to cutting out the parts for the birdhouse, do not ask me, all credits to MY MOTHER! ).


15. juli 2011

›› Keep smiling

Et bursdagsposekort jeg lagde for en stund tilbake.

A birthday bag card I made a while back.

21. juni 2011

›› In vino veritas

Jeg har i lengre tid virkelig lurt på hva jeg skulle bruke dette stempelsettet fra Reprint til, så feiret min venn sin 20. bursdag, så da tenkte jeg at anledningen var moden for å gi henne en vinflaske. Men, å bare gi en vinflaske ble så lite, så jeg måtte gjøre noe spesielt med den, så dette ble resultatet:

14. juni 2011

›› SBM Challenge #3 - Sketch

This mont's challenge at Scrapbooking by Men, we have a great sketch challenge.

The sketch was provided by my collegue Alberto.

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