22. august 2009

{ Bursdagskort - Birthday Card }

Ja, da var det tid for meg og oppdatere denne bloggen igjen da. Har hatt mye å gjøre den siste uken, blant annet skolestart.
It's time to refresh my blog, and post a card. Had a lot to do this week, starting at school again, and some other things.

Et lite detaljbilde for å vise hvordan jeg har brettet borden, for å få det til å se ut som om jeg har brukt mange firmerker oppå hverandre.
A little close-up in my folding. Showing you just how I've folded the papers, making it look like I've used a lot of postage stamps.

Følte dette stempelet passet godt på kortet, og her kan mottageren skrive navnet sitt. (Noe hun sa hun ikke turde, fordi hun var redd hun skulle ødelegge noe.) XD
This stamps went good with the card, and the reciever is supposed to write his or hers name.
(In this case, the reciever didn't want to, in fear of ruining the card!) XD

  • Stamps: Tim Holtz Collection, Stempelglede - Ornate Collection, Unknown - Swirl, Stempelglede - Grunge Flourish Hearts, Stempelglede - texts, Papirloftet - Text.
  • Papers: Graphic 45, gold coloured cardstock, craft carton, aquarelle paper.
  • Ink: Colorbox Fluid Chalk - Dark Brown and Chestnut Roan, VersaMark, Distress Ink - Vintage Photo.
  • Embelishments: Laces, bling from Prima, vintage pictures from "Shabby Chic Papirskatter", Fimo.
  • Other Stuff: Spellbinders, edge scraper, Distress Crackle Paint - Tarnished Brass, Ranger - Queens Gold embossing.

9. august 2009

{ Fuglekort - Bird Card }

Jeg fikk i oppdrag av min bestemor om å lage et gratulasjonskort til en nabo som fylte år. Jeg fant fram et gammelt kort jeg hadde, som jeg aldri ble helt ferdig med, men tenkte at det var litt "stygt" :P Så, jeg bestemte meg for å lage kortet på nytt igjen, et år etter at det første ble laget. :P
My grandmother asked me to make a card for her. She gave it to a neighbour who had her birthday a couple of weeks ago.First I found this card, made about a year ago or so. But I decided to make a new one.

Her er da den nye utgaven av kortet. Det er ganske likt det gamle, men bare med andre farger og papirer.
Here is the new card, made pretty similar as the old one. The only difference is the colours and the papers that I've used.

Through the voting, you said that I should make a list of materials after each post, so I'll do as I'm told. ;P
This list is for the materials used on the newest card:
  • Stamps: Stempelglede - Grunge Collection and Grunge Flourish Hearts. Inkadinkado - Birds Galore.
  • Papers: 7Gypsies, Bazzill and Craft Carton.
  • Tools: Spellbinders, edge scraper.
  • Embelishments: Prima Flowers, bling Swirl.
  • Other stuff: Gold Embossing from Ranger, Distress Ink - Vintage Photo, Stickles glitterglue.

1. august 2009

{ Og vinneren er.. - And the winner is.. }

Da er sannhetens time kommet, jeg skal nå almenngjøre vinneren. :P
The time has come, for me to announce the winner of my blog candy.
Én lapp for hver av dere som har deltatt.
One note for each of the contestents.
Min katt Flex fikk jobben med å plukke ut vinneren, siden han er så upartisk som det går an å bli. XD
My cat, Flex, got the job picking out the winner of my blog candy. I don't think I could have found any one more impartial. XD

Og vinneren er:
And the winner is:


Send me your contact info on e-mail: daniel.askeland@gmail.com, and I'll send the candy as soon as possible.

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