Da er sannhetens time kommet, jeg skal nå almenngjøre vinneren. :P | The time has come, for me to announce the winner of my blog candy. |

Én lapp for hver av dere som har deltatt. | One note for each of the contestents. |

Min katt Flex fikk jobben med å plukke ut vinneren, siden han er så upartisk som det går an å bli. XD | My cat, Flex, got the job picking out the winner of my blog candy. I don't think I could have found any one more impartial. XD |
Og vinneren er: | And the winner is: |

Send me your contact info on e-mail: daniel.askeland@gmail.com, and I'll send the candy as soon as possible.
Congratulations Nena! Daniel, thank you for this chance to win!
SvarSlettklem Pernilla
Congratulations to the winner. Cat is great idea :)
SvarSlettCongratulations, Nena, enjoy it! Daniel, thank you again for the chance to win!
SvarSlettWow! I do not believe my happiness! This is my first win candy and I am therefore doubly happy!
SvarSlettThank you very much for candy and for a chance to win!